The New GOOD
AI for local social business
Supplier to UK government under Digital Outcomes 6 and G-Cloud 13
Keith Harrison-Broninski
Keith Harrison-Broninski is an author, speaker, and technology/business consultant specialising in collaboration across organisational boundaries as well as social technology for wellness, community, and finance.
Historic blog posts are shown below. Keith's current blog is available on his personal website.
How Processes can secure the Other End
Celtic Collaboration
Productivity Frustration
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog
Working Together on the Web
Lego vs. Cooking
Harrison-Broninski's Second Law
Virtual Teams
Plan Like the Professionals
Selling Services
Effective Conversations
The Huddle Muddle
Cross-Boundary Processes
Complex, Dynamic Processes
Dynamic, complex processes are projects
The Waste of Unused Human Talent
Big Processes
Going HIM
Hyper-productive Working Practices