We are All Consultants
AI for local social business
Supplier to UK government under Digital Outcomes 6 and G-Cloud 13
Keith Harrison-Broninski
Keith Harrison-Broninski is an author, speaker, and technology/business consultant specialising in collaboration across organisational boundaries as well as social technology for wellness, community, and finance.
Historic blog posts are shown below. Keith's current blog is available on his personal website.
The collaborative democracy
Unclear Resolutions
Politics vs economics
The collaborative economy
Town hubs can offer high value youth employment
Turning Down the Heat of Collaboration
Collaborative public services will save councils money
Collaborate has 5 Cs (RSA)
How austerity can result in better public services
Collaborate has 5 Cs
Discovering Collaboration
Minutes = Weeks
Network Overload
Software Development - Collocation!
Empty Swimlanes
Large Scale Contracts
Connect, Capture and Collaborate Revolution
The Innovation Triangle
Capturing Knowledge with Processes